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and Warm Up!

Come Dance With Us

Next Dance
(not necessarily in date order)
1st Sat Contra
Contra Dance
Saturday, Apr 5 - Music by Skippin' A Groove
Elks Lodge (2nd floor), Calling by Christa Torrens
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Beginners, Singles, Couples, & Families are welcome!
All dances are taught from scratch & called!

Come join us for a fun evening of Contradancing at the Elks Lodge in the upstairs ballroom with lively fiddle music!


No partner or experience is necessary.  All dances are taught by experienced callers and are easy-to-learn. 


We'll help you!  If you're new to contra dancing, we encourage you to arrive by 7:15 so you can be ready for the beginner's workshop at 7:30 PM.


College students and MFS members are $5!  High School students and kids 18 & under are FREE!  Regular admission is $10.

St Pats/Heritage Contra Dance!

Support dance in Missoula. 

Join the Missoula Folklore Society!

Fri, April 11 | Elks Lodge, 2nd floor | 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor
Christa Torrens will teach fun, easy-to-learn, English country dances to live music. 

The figures in English Country Dancing are very similar to contra dancing and square dancing. 

Everyone welcome.  No experience necessary.  No dance partner required. Come join us.  Donation sliding scale ($5 - $10)
3rd Sat Contra
Contra Dance
Saturday, Apr 19 - Music by Wood Hogs
Elks Lodge - (2nd floor) - Calling by Roy Curet
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Come join us for a fun evening of Contradancing at Elks Lodge Upstairs Ballroom with lively fiddle music!


No partner or experience is necessary.  All dances are taught by experienced callers and are easy-to-learn.

College students and MFS members are $5!  High School students and kids 18 & under are FREE!  Regular admission is $10.

St Pats/Heritage Contra Dance!
Beginners, Singles, Couples, & Families are welcome!  All dances are taught from scratch & called! 

Support dance in Missoula.  Join the Missoula Folklore Society!

Square Dance
Old Time Square Dance
Saturday, March 29 - Live Music by UM Roots Club
Elks Lodge - (2nd floor ballroom)
Round robin calling by UM students
6:30 - 9:00 PM
Come join us for a fun evening of Square Dancing at Elks Lodge Upstairs Ballroom with lively fiddle music provided by the UM Roots Club.

Normally, this dance is held at Free Cycles but since they were booked, it was moved to the Elks.
No partner or experience is necessary.  All dances are easy-to-learn and will be taught by energetic student callers from UM.
Suggested Donation: $5 - $10.  Cash only.  Net proceeds will go to the UM Roots Club.
UM Roots Square Dance, 2025-03-29.jpg

Support dance in Missoula.  Join the Missoula Folklore Society!

Tue, April 15 | Elks Lodge, 2nd floor | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
More Tuesdays! - April 29

Come join us for a fun evening of Swing dancing at the ELKS LODGE in the upstairs ballroom!  We will spin music suitable for triple -step, single- step, lindy, west coast, and cowboy swing dance.  We may even have a Latin dance, tango, or waltz in our mix!  Suggested donation $5 - $10.​

Please SHARE this event with your friends and on social media!


Teaching will be minimal (20 minutes at the start of the dance) for this event.  In the future, should the community show support for having events like these, we may incorporate 30-minute lessons from different styles of dance into our evenings.


You can email 1-2 favorite songs you'd like to hear to Susan Morgan at 


Site (Page) Index

Check the Dance Calendar for info on upcoming Contra Dances!  


Subscribe to the MFS e-newsletter for info on other dance & music events in and around town.  Typically the newsletter has the latest info before the website.

Last updated March 21, 2025

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